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детский мир интернет магазин
магазин эльдорадо новокузнецк

гостиница HOLIDAY INN 4* first Местонахождение: Центр города Адрес: STRAND STREET, PO BOX 4532, CAPETOWN 8000, SOUTH AFRICA, Телефон: 27-21-4885100, Факс: 27-21-4238875 Количество комнат: 334 Скидки детям: с 3 по 18 лет. Баров: 3 Закрытых басейнов: 1 Банкетных залов: 7 Описание: Расположение CITY CENTRE 35 km to the nearest airport: CPT 1 km to the nearest station: CAPE TOWN STATION 2 minute walk to nearest bus stop. 1 km to the nearest fair site: GRENNMARKET SQUARE Дополнительная информация LOCATION The hotel is situated in the centre of Capetown in a shopping district close to the historical centre of the city. ROOMS All rooms are large and in good condition as are the bathrooms. All rooms are modern in decor in keeping with the rest of the hotel. RESTAURANT The hotel has 2 затрачиваемого на продвижение аккаунта в Инстаграм restaurants both of which are on the ground floor. One serves international cuisine and is furnished to a rustic theme. The other restaurant an a la carte menu. EXTERIOR The hotel is a very modern high rise structure. LOBBY The lobby is large, very modern in both design and decor with marble flooring, large hanging chandeliers and incorporates a couple of large seating areas. GENERAL As this hotel is one of the tallest structures in Capetown, it offers stunning views of Table Mountain and the surrounding areas not only from the rooms but also from the glass elevator which travels up the side of the hotel. (01/01 MP) События 09.02.2005 - 09.02.2005: Chinese New Year 13.03.2005 - 13.03.2005: Cape Argus Cycle Tour 25.03.2005 - 25.03.2005: Two Oceans Marathon 25.03.2005 - 28.03.

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